ESMIG Policy Manifesto

ESMIG’s manifesto for the 2024-2029 EU legislative term outlines our key issues and recommendations that we believe are important to accelerate the energy transition with smart technologies and solutions for the benefit of consumers, market players and system operators.

In summary, our manifesto focuses on the following issues:

Recognising the role smart meters play as a key piece of the smart grid critical infrastructure, making concrete recommendations on

  • Completing the rollout of smart meters across the EU by 2030
  • Adopting a future-proof Measuring Instruments Directive to secure innovation and deploy the benefits of the next generation of smart metering
  • Securing the operations of smart grids, a critical infrastructure, in an uncertain geopolitical environment, notably with a strong focus on cybersecurity

Enabling data to benefit market participants in the energy transition
, with concrete recommendations on

  • Removing barriers on data access, use and sharing
  • Enabling demand-side flexibility, in swiftly implementing the provisions in all Member States
  • Empowering consumers through smart services and solutions

Ensuring fair competition in the energy industry
, with a focus notably on

  • Securing a critical infrastructure operations level-playing field and reciprocity of rules with third countries
  • Strengthening Europe’s strategic autonomy, to support net-zero clean tech industry and increase supply chain resilience




