European Commission announces Fit for 55 package supporting Green Deal targets

ESMIG welcomes the European Commission’s package of energy and climate legislative proposals, published on 14 July 2021, aiming to put the EU on track to deliver on the Green Deal, reaching the EU’s target to cut GHG emission by 55% and producing 40% of our energy from renewable sources by 2030.

We strongly support the EU’s agenda towards climate neutrality by 2050 and addressing climate change in building a modern, resource efficient and competitive economy. Smart energy solutions are a key driver of the green transition, empowering consumers to play an active role in the system.

At ESMIG, we will continue our work supporting the ongoing implementation of the Clean Energy Package and European Green Deal initiatives, endorsing the deployment of green technology solutions, and ensuring that the energy system becomes smarter and more efficient.

As part of the package, we welcome the ambitious revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), an essential element to achieve higher GHG reductions by 2030. The ‘Energy Efficiency First’ principle is key to decarbonise the energy system. In this context, the increased EU binding energy efficiency target for final and primary consumption, as well as indicative national energy efficiency, are indespensable.

Smart energy solutions play an essential role in achieving the energy efficiency targets. Smart meters enable consumer empowerment and measuring, thus managing consumption patterns. We regret that the Commission’s proposal for the EED review missed the opportunity to fully recognise the value of smart meters to achieve the ambitious 2030 climate and energy objectives, closing loopholes that avoid the deployment and/or use of smart meters. We ask to improve the enabling framework for energy management by clarifying article 9 of the 2018/2019 directive, still subject to interpretation and leading to uncertainty. This is of particular importance to ensure the participation of end-users in Europe’s future smart energy system.

Finally, we also welcome the revision of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive. Member States need to be encouraged that the recharging of EVs at publicly accessible recharging stations, where technically feasible and economically reasonable, make use of smart metering systems. All publicly accessible, normal power recharging points must be capable of smart charging.



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